Sunday, October 13, 2024

The Secrets of Crystal Scrying: Unlocking Insights Through Reflection


Crystal scrying is an ancient divination technique that uses crystals to gain insights, clarity, and guidance. This practice involves gazing into a crystal, allowing its reflective surface to reveal messages from the subconscious, intuition, or even higher realms. While many are familiar with traditional forms of scrying, such as using mirrors or water, crystal scrying offers a unique and powerful way to tap into the energies and vibrations of specific stones. In this blog, we will explore the secrets of crystal scrying, its benefits, and how you can incorporate this practice into your spiritual journey.


What is Crystal Scrying?

Crystal scrying, also known as crystallomancy, involves using a crystal as a reflective tool to access intuitive insights. The practice can be seen as a form of meditation, where the crystal acts as a focal point, allowing the practitioner to enter a trance-like state and receive messages, visions, or symbols. The unique properties of each crystal can influence the type of insights received, making this a deeply personal and intuitive practice.


Why Practice Crystal Scrying? 

1. Access to Intuition: Crystal scrying enhances your ability to tap into your intuitive self, helping you gain clarity on personal questions or situations.

 2. Reflection and Self-Discovery: The practice encourages self-reflection and introspection, allowing you to explore your thoughts, feelings, and desires on a deeper level.

3. Connection to Higher Realms: Scrying can facilitate communication with spirit guides, angels, or other higher beings, providing guidance and support on your spiritual journey.

 4. Empowerment: By gaining insights through crystal scrying, you can feel more empowered to make decisions and navigate challenges in your life.


Steps to Practice Crystal Scrying

Crystal scrying is a personal and intuitive practice, and you can tailor it to your preferences. Here are some steps to help you get started:

1. Choose Your Crystal

Select a crystal that resonates with you and aligns with your intention for the scrying session. Some popular choices for crystal scrying include:

- Clear Quartz: Amplifies energy and enhances clarity, making it an excellent choice for gaining insights.

- Amethyst: Promotes spiritual growth and intuition, ideal for connecting with higher realms.

- Labradorite: Known for its mystical properties, it can help unlock psychic abilities and enhance intuitive insights.

- Selenite: A powerful cleansing stone that can facilitate communication with spiritual guides.


2. Cleanse Your Crystal

Before beginning your scrying practice, cleanse your crystal to remove any residual energies. You can use methods such as running water, smudging with sage, or placing it in moonlight. Cleansing prepares the crystal for your work and ensures you connect with its pure energy.

3. Set Your Intention

 Clearly define your intention or question before starting your scrying session. This could be a specific issue you want guidance on or a more general inquiry about your life path. Write down your intention or state it aloud to focus your energy.


4. Create a Sacred Space

Find a quiet and comfortable space where you can meditate and connect without distractions. You may want to light candles, burn incense, or play soft music to create a calming atmosphere. Arrange your crystals in a way that feels inviting and sacred.


5. Prepare for Scrying

Sit comfortably and hold your chosen crystal in your hands. Take several deep breaths to center yourself, allowing your mind to clear. Focus on your intention as you prepare to enter a meditative state.


6. Gaze into the Crystal

Place the crystal in front of you at eye level. Gaze into its surface, allowing your eyes to relax and your mind to enter a trance-like state. You may notice images, colors, or symbols beginning to form in the crystal’s depths. Allow your intuition to guide you as you observe these reflections.


7. Receive and Interpret Messages

 As you gaze into the crystal, pay attention to any thoughts, feelings, or images that arise. These may be intuitive insights, symbols, or even a sense of presence. Trust your instincts and allow the experience to unfold naturally. You can jot down any messages or impressions in a journal for later reflection.


8. Close the Session

 When you feel ready to conclude your scrying session, take a moment to express gratitude to the crystal for its guidance and insights. Ground yourself by taking deep breaths and bringing your awareness back to the present moment.


Embrace the Art of Crystal Scrying

Crystal scrying is a powerful and transformative practice that offers a unique way to access intuition and spiritual guidance. By gazing into the depths of a crystal, you can unlock insights that can enhance your understanding of yourself and your path in life.

As you explore the secrets of crystal scrying, remember that this practice is deeply personal. Trust your intuition, be open to the messages you receive, and allow your connection with the crystal to grow. Embrace the journey of self-discovery and empowerment that comes with crystal scrying—your crystals are waiting to reveal their secrets!

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Jess, Dara and Mira reinforced the spell of protection around the manor using dragon’s blood, along with some other things—like crystals that they had programmed with their intent—and they had placed several small smoky crystals into the potion, chanting beneath their breath as they worked.
The three sisters clasped one another’s hands, leaving Jes’s right hand free to stir. Once more, they stood in the center of the circle. A statue of the Goddess Morrigan sat on the table. They had a feather for air, a candle for fire, a shell for water, and dirt for earth on the altar before them.
Jes continued to stir as the three sisters began to chant.

We call the ancient ones of old,
Those who have gone before us.
We call the power to help us now,
As we walk our path as Jaguar witches.

Lady bless us, protect us now,
Masters show us the way.
Light our path so we may know,
The song of the ancients.

As we speak these words of protection,
We bring the power of three.
Maiden, Mother, Crone of old,
As we will it—so mote it be.

Jes stirred in ¼ cup of Myrrh to aid in meditation, ¼ cup of Mugwort to aid psychic powers and prophetic dreaming, and a teaspoon each of honey and olive oil. She used these because they had come to her in a trance, so she had looked them up. She had found they were excellent herbs for inducing trance. They simmered the mixture and put it into a tiny container.
Mira took out three Candles: one for the Goddess, which was red, one for sisters, which was yellow, and one for the spirits and ancients, which was white. Dara took three stones, large enough to stack them with the largest on the bottom and the smallest on top. They would meditate for the next three nights on the symbols to go beneath the stones.
They began the main part of the spell in the hours just past the dark moon, calling those who would assist them as they began to chant:

Sweet Mother of the scared Moon
Just as you are round
I call your moonbeams as a boon
To see this Circle sound!

They called out to Morrigan:

Ancient Goddess of the night
We invoke you, hear our plea!
We ask that you attend this rite
To bring old knowledge to be
To sing the old songs
The words which hold the key!

They called the Quarters chanting as they lit the candles in each direction.
We call the East to bring the light of the rising Sun! We call the South to bring the knowledge that our will is done! We call the West to bring the wisdom of other days gone by! We call the North that we may sit between the earth and sky!

And then they began to chant:

Great Mother whose heart beats
Below me
Great Father Sky above
May we have the grace to know
When we’ve been shown great love!

After meditating for some time, Mira picked up the large stone to write the first symbol, knowing that they would know the order. Dara picked up the second stone, writing the symbol she had seen in meditation on the bottom and then stacked it on the first, and finally Jes picked up the third stone, and wrote her symbol on the bottom, and stacked it on the second.

Again they began to chant:

As the stones know to lie
Within the arms of time
As they hold the ancient knowledge
Between your world and mine.

Now we stand between the worlds
And know the way each lays.
So, from this day we will remember
The old songs from the pyramids they gave.

As our ancestors brought the knowledge
And the people soon forgot
We remember within the void
That silence brings the drop.